Flash Fiction 55 – “Getting Out the Vote” – 6th day of National Poetry Month


Getting Out the Vote


Squinting into our list (registered voters), we wander
squeezed checkerboard (row-house, alley).
Big belly (in somehow-suspended shorts) answers
our next knock,
holding a machete amidst curls
at the cleve of his navel, also
a mango.

Wrong address, he says.  We’re all
felons in this house.

We apologize profusely
for taking up
his time. 

The above is my (draft) poem for the 6th day of National Poetry Month!  The poem itself (excluding title) is also exactly 55 words.  So, please tell it to the G-Man!  Also, try the game yourself!

Also, also…. have a Good Friday.

Explore posts in the same categories: iPad art, poetry, Uncategorized

11 Comments on “Flash Fiction 55 – “Getting Out the Vote” – 6th day of National Poetry Month”

  1. brian miller Says:

    haha…and back away slowly…never taking your eyes off of him…lol

  2. G-Man Says:

    Machete’s and Mango’s…
    Sounds like a Mexican Soap Opera!!!
    Loved your 55 MD…
    Very nicely written My Friend
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  3. I’d be running for my life! It’s tough….getting out the vote. And I had to laugh at what the guy with the belly says.

  4. naramalone Says:

    I think I would have been running at the first glimpse of that blade, lol, no explanations needed. Funny 55 🙂

  5. hedgewitch Says:

    Felons need love too! But maybe not at the voting booth. Or from casual political canvassers, either, I hasten to add. This sounds all too realistic, I’m afraid. Left me smiling.

  6. David King Says:

    Ha! Like you would. Brilliant stuff!

  7. claudia Says:

    haha…so be careful on whose door you knock…machete and mango…love it..

  8. zongrik Says:

    maybe you can go back and have a drink with him some time 😉

  9. Very funny! Amazing what you can do with so few words!

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