

August 30, 1995–November 30, 2013
(Yes, she could look sort of goofy sometimes.)

Even in my extremely sad state, I admit that Pearl may not objectively have been the best dog in the world.  But she was the best dog in the world for us.

No, she was not particularly obedient.  Although she knew certain commands–well, two commands–she would only perform them if she was convinced there was cheese on offer.

Even so, she knew exactly what her family needed in a dog–and that she unstintingly gave.

Her family needed a dog who could live in a small apartment, who could be trusted never to destroy anything or (except under really impossible circumstances) have an accident; a dog who made all of New York City feel like a friendly place because she elicited so many smiles, hellos, warm feelings.

Her family needed a dog who understood that they really were not all that interested in playing fetch but found great companionship in a dog who, pretending to be resting completely independently, budged up her warm rump against them while they lay in bed reading.

Her family needed a dog who could travel by public transportation, who practically jumped into her little traveling bag when a trip was in the offing–anything rather than be left behind–and quietly allowed herself to be squeezed under plane seats, train seats, restaurant chairs, even through the side doors of more than one hotel.

Pearl was foolishly loyal–diving after us into mountain streams (though she hated swimming);  trooping after us into blackberry brambles (though she always got snagged); charging along on hikes (though truly, she preferred the porch.)     

What her family (or at least one of them) needed most of all was to feel loved.  This need Pearl fulfilled on a daily basis, sweetly, nobly, companionably, and with great and infectious joy.

And when it became clear that one of her owners also needed help with her writing, Pearl not only provided endless inspiration, but, when things got rough, took the matter into her own teeth.

She will be very sorely missed.

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23 Comments on “Pearl”

  1. I am so very sorry for your loss—our dogs become so much a part of us–many hugs to you!

  2. brian miller Says:

    i am so sorry k…as i said in my email…this is a moving tribute to her…you are making me teary…smiles…my best friend as a little boy was a pups…smiles…

  3. Laurie Kolp Says:

    I’m so very sorry for your loss. Dogs touch us in ways no other can.

  4. Oh, sweet Pearl, no … so very sorry she’s gone k. She will be missed by many. (I’ll stop sniveling shortly)
    Love what you’ve written and the great pics, too. xx

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. Your love for her shines through this tribute. Take care!

  6. Sherry Marr Says:

    She looks so happy and well loved in the photo. How you will miss her. I know only too well the hole she leaves behind. I am so sorry to hear this news, though I suspected it was coming. So sorry, kiddo. You loved her well. She was a happy girl. No one loves us the way our dogs do. I will be thinking of you as you travel through these first days when her absence is as profoundly felt as her presence was when she was still here.

    • ManicDdaily Says:

      Thanks, Sherry. I realize that I really did not describe her idiosyncrasies but just too tired. I also knew it was coming but she was suddenly in a great deal of pain last night, which was just horrible. Thanks for your kind words. K.


  7. hedgewitch Says:

    Karin you draw her to the life here–how she will be missed! but also, how she loved you and gave to you while she could–there is no bottom to the love of dogs, and no forgetting them either. My thoughts are with you, as you learn to say a sort of goodbye, but there never really is a final one–they are always with us in memory, and that’s a great comfort eventually. I love that you shared so many of your good times with her here with us. She looks like quite a personality!

  8. Pamela Says:

    Karin, so sorry for your loss. She lived a wonderfully long life, I am sure.


  9. Mary Says:

    I am so sorry, Karin. I know what it feels like to lose a dog…and it hurts as much as to lose a human, I think. I know how difficult the coming days will be without her. Your poem was a wonderful memorial. May her spirit live on.

  10. janehewey Says:

    I am sorry to read of your loss. I recall Pearl from past posts and have sensed the companionship that you describe in more detail in this poem. I feel I know her better…and you. May you soon feel comfort in the missing of her. ~jane

  11. claudia Says:

    oh k. – i’m so sorry to hear this.. really close to tears… thankful of having had the pleasure to meet her in person…. love the pics with her “writing” smiles… big, big hugs your way…

    • ManicDdaily Says:

      Thank you, Claudia. She was already so old when you met her and not really herself. I feel bad that I’ve not really described her idiosyncrasies–but anyway–Thanks so much. Love your way too. k.

  12. ayala Says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is truly heartbreaking .

  13. Kay Davies Says:

    Oh, Karin, how very sad, but if she was in a lot of pain, you wouldn’t want her to linger on. She sounds precious…and priceless…a girl with a mind of her own, and if she could have said, “Let me go now” she would have.
    I love to think of her going through mountain streams and through brambles, out of her element but with the people she loved so much.
    Hugs from me and from our big dog Lindy, who would have her head on your knee if she could see you now.
    Luv, K

  14. Oh, Karin–I’m so sorry. I worked with death and dying all my nursing career but never “felt” loss so acutely as when we’ve lost dogs. They are such a gift to us. I’m hurting for you and your family. May there be another Pearl waiting for your love and attention.

  15. I am really, really sorry for your loss. In those photos she looks like a lovely, happy dog.

    My condolences.

  16. Lydia Says:

    My heart is heavy for you now. I cannot believe how you pulled together this beautiful post about Pearl….perhaps she is assisting with your writing still and always will. Your shining little muse.

  17. I’m terribly terribly sorry K… my heart prays for your heart to heal, though the void is never filled. Blessings dear~ D

  18. brian miller Says:

    hey k….how are you doing?
    was thinking of you the other night knowing you are without a buddy right now….hugs still.

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